What Do We Provide
Sound, independent and thorough advice to help you deal with any of the following in the comfort and security of your own home.
Single or Mirror Wills, including where appropriate:
- Inheritance Tax Advice and Planning.
- Nil Rate Band Discretionary Trusts.
- Disabled Beneficiary Trusts.
- Property Protective Trusts
Other associated services for your protection:
- Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Affairs
- Lasting Power of Attorney for Personal Welfare
- Living Wills or Advance Decisions
- Lifetime Will Storage
- Flexible Trusts for Life Insurance Policies
- Trusts for Pension Fund Death Benefits
- Severance of Joint Tenancies for the family home
- Community Care Act considerations
- Assistance with First Registration of Land Title, or Transfer of Title.
We promise that we do not seek to sell you any services, but simply explain in detail what options are available to you which you may or may not wish to take up.
For more information please contact us regarding writing your will.